
The Way, The Truth, The Life — What Does That Mean?
"The Way, and the Truth, and the Life..." What Does It Mean? "Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?' Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" --John...

Psalm 110
A Messianic Psalm by David This Psalm about the Messiah,?is the scripture most quoted or referred to in the New Testament.? The English translation does not lend itself to clearly understanding who is speaking of whom.? Two Hebrew names of God, Yahweh and Adonoy, are...

The Messiah
Was Jesus the Messiah? God's Messiah was promised to the people of Israel for thousands of years. There are hundreds of prophecies in the Bible about the Messiah.? And there is one person who fulfills them. Courtesy:?

Are You a Good Person?
Are You Good Enough to Go to Heaven?Most people think they are a "Good Person." But are you good enough to get into Heaven after you die?? It's easy to find out... Courtesy:

John 1-12
The Gospel of John, Part 1 The Gospel of John is one of four Gospels in the Bible, and was written by John, one of Jesus's disciples.? John tells the story of Jesus's three-year ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection. Courtesy:

John 13-21
The Gospel of John, Part 2 Courtesy:

Isaiah 53
The "Forbidden" Chapter The 53rd chapter of the book of Isaiah describes the suffering and sacrificial death of the Messiah.? It describes the death of Jesus, written 700 years before he was born. Courtesy:

Charles Spurgeon on Death and Dying
"The day of death is better than the day of birth..." Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834?1892) was an influential Baptist preacher in England. He was the most popular preacher of his time and is still known as ?the Prince of Preachers.? In 1854, before he was 20 years old,...

The deeper I dove into Orthodox Judaism, the more I realized Yeshua is our Messiah!
God's Plan of Redemption Courtesy:

Sacrifice & Atonement
God's Plan of Redemption Courtesy:

Psalm 22
Messiah's Death Prophecy Psalm 22 describes the crucifixion death of the Messiah hundreds of years before the Romans invented crucifixion as their choice of criminal execution. Courtesy:

Romans 1-4
Paul's Letter to the Romans, Part 1 The Letter to the Romans is the Apostle Paul?s comprehensive discussion of the Gospel of Christ.? This first part of the overview of Romans describes chapters 1-4. Courtesy:

Romans 5-16
Paul's Letter to the Romans, Part 2 Courtesy:?

The Power of the Cross
The Power of the Cross (Oh, To See the Dawn)Keith and Krystyn Getty capture the power of the cross in this song about Jesus's crucifixion.